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Frank Peepas

Marine for Life Liaison Officer

Worthwhile Links: Veterans' Services
Marine for Life Mission

The Marine for Life Program’s mission is to provide sponsorship for our more than 27,000 Marines each year who honorably leave active service and return to civilian life in order to nurture and sustain the positive, mutually beneficial relationships inherent in our ethos “Once a Marine, Always a Marine.”

Commandant's Intent

The program will enhance our investment in each individual Marine and promote the beneficial connections between the individual, the Marine Corps, and the American society. The program includes initiatives involving commanders and Marine Corps culture, but its groundbreaking element will be the creation of an assistance network of and Marine Corps “alumni” to provide enhanced transition assistance and support to our Transitioning Marines.


This network (human and electronic) will develop and coordinate the resources required to sponsor and assist Transitioning Marines as they return to civilian life. Once these networks are assembled, the program will foster a mutually supportive, life-long relationship between the Marine, his/her Corps, and the public that we serve, thereby strengthening our ethos of “Once a Marine, Always a Marine.”

End State

The End state of the Marine for Life program is a nationwide Marine and Marine-friendly network available to all Marines honorably leaving active service that will improve their transition to civilian life and ensure that no Marine who honorably wore the Eagle, Globe, and Anchor is lost to the Marine Corps family.

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